Our new seats have been installed, but there are a few that are not sponsored yet! You still have soe time to sponsor one and leave a lasting legacy at the Music Box.
Here’s how it works:
- Sponsor a seat in honor of yourself, a loved one, or your business.
- Your name will be permanently engraved on a plate on the armrest.
- You'll also be recognized on the Music Box website.
Plates can contain messages of one or two lines, up to 18 characters per line (including spaces). Be serious, funny, sentimental, or clever! You can sponsor a seat:
As an individual, couple, or family
For your children, grandchildren, parents…or pets!
With your favorite movie quote
In memory of a loved one
With the name of your business or organization
Marking a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion
Seat Pricing:
Single Seat: $750
Two Seats: $1,400
Ways to pay:
Pay online in full
Pay by check in full — download pay by check form
Don't miss out! A limited number of seats are available. Sponsor yours today.